Terms and Conditions

Data we process when you use She`Kab

  • When you register with She`Kab, we store information you give us like your name, email address, and telephone number.

How we use your data

We process this data to:
  • Help our services cluster and connect you with partner drivers.
  • Improve the quality of our services and develop new ones.
  • Conduct analytics and measurement to understand how our services are used.

When you use our service

You agree to:
  • Improve the quality of our services and develop new ones.
  • Conduct analytics and measurement to understand how our services are used.
  • Make payments by the 5th of every month. Failure to make the payments on time will result in you losing your reserved spot.
  • Make payments communicated in advance based on the number of days the service is used.
  • Understand that SheKab will not be liable for any damages that result from natural disasters.
  • Understand that SheKab cannot be held liable for any damages that result from or due to external environmental consequences.

Refund can be claimed

  • 50% of the refund can be reclaimed if the service is terminated within the first 15 days of starting the service.
  • No refund can be claimed if termination of service is requested after the first 15 days of starting the service.

© 2015-2022 - She`Kab (Pvt) Ltd.